By Jared Paben Offices will generate more recyclable materials and less contamination if each employee is given a large recycling bin and small garbage can, according to a study. The study, titled “Recycling at Work: Research to Inform Improved Recycling in the Workplace,” was commissioned by Keep America Beautiful (KAB) with support from PepsiCo […]
Tag: Central Ohio Recycling
Keurig Green Mountain begins to take steps in the right direction

The last article we posted about the Keurig cups has a bit of an update. Keurig Green Mountain has just released a new product called a K-Mug, which is essentially a travel mug that has a larger pod. This K-Mug pod is ‘recyclable’ according to the company. It is made up of #5 plastic and […]
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Recycling Interest Groups Take On Keurig Green Mountain

As an electronics recycler, we see our fair share of plastics that need to be recycled, like computer cases and household appliances. One type of plastic that many people use is the Keurig K-cups and unfortunately they are not readily recyclable. It says on their website that they aren’t and that they are currently working […]
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Spring Has Come and Gone!

Spring is over and many have finally completed that dreaded task of cleaning their basement, garage, or old storage closet. In Central Ohio, many residents found that their collection of e-waste had grown to two sizes too big. So, those residents took advantage of the many Community Electronics Recycling Events offered by Accurate IT Services […]